The service uptime is frequently dismissed by a lot of people when they're searching for a new hosting provider, but it can often be far more significant compared with the actual plan attributes. It will not matter how good a plan is if the websites hosted inside the account are offline for extended periods of time. These downtimes are often penalized by search engines like yahoo, not mentioning the fact that visitors will most likely not return to a site they encounter problems with. For that reason, it is important to check out the stability of the web hosting service prior to getting a new account to be sure that the success of your web sites is not going to depend upon third-party factors, but entirely on their content and on your advertising campaigns.
Service Uptime Guarantee in Hosting
Using a hosting account from our company, you can enjoy 99.9% server uptime. We've virtually wiped out the downtime since we use an innovative cloud hosting platform and we do not handle everything on just a single web server like the majority of service providers do. Instead, we run each and every service on a separate set of web servers, so your files, e-mails, databases, etcetera, will be handled by separate web servers. Thus, we're able to also balance the load considerably more efficiently and ensure the stable functioning of your Internet sites at all times. The accessibility of the web servers is guaranteed by a few backbone Internet providers and diesel backup generators, so your internet sites are going to be functioning no matter what. We also have experts checking the servers 24 hours a day, which includes weekends & holidays, and they will take care of any unexpected issue which could show up.
Service Uptime Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Servers
If you get a semi-dedicated server package through our company, you will enjoy a guaranteed 99.9% uptime. Your account is going to be created on a cutting-edge cloud hosting platform with a load-balancing system that practically eliminates any downtime. The files, e-mails, statistics and databases are all addressed by their own clusters of servers, so even when there's a trouble with one machine, your sites aren't going to be affected whatsoever. This allows us to offer you a considerably more stable website hosting service compared to providers that run everything on a single machine where a problem with a single service can take the entire server down. To protect yourself from infrastructure difficulties, our data centers work with various Internet providers and powerful diesel generators, so no matter what happens, the servers will keep functioning without any disruptions and your websites will remain functioning. Any software problems will be dealt with straight away by our competent group of professionals which keep an eye on all servers 24/7.
Service Uptime Guarantee in VPS Servers
When you purchase a Virtual Private Server through our company, we guarantee that the physical server your account is set up on is going to be functional no less than 99.9% of the time. While we are not able to control what you do with the Virtual Private Server and what you set up on it, we will ensure that the main server is going to work 24/7 without any interruptions. Our facilities have a number of Internet providers as well as backup generators to guarantee the continuous work of all web servers placed there. When there is a problem with any virtual server on the physical one, we have a team of qualified admins to eradicate it in a very timely manner and to make sure that the other VPS server accounts on that hosting server won't be affected. We use only new, carefully tested hardware components for all the servers where new virtual accounts are set up.
Service Uptime Guarantee in Dedicated Servers
When you buy a dedicated server through us, we guarantee that it will be functioning at least 99.9% of the time. Firstly, your website hosting server is going to be built with new and thoroughly tested hardware components and we'll not do any compromises about this. Our data center in the town center of Chicago has powerful diesel backup generators, so in the case of an outage your server will still be operational and with a number of redundant Internet providers, your web sites will be available if there's any online connectivity problem. In case of any unpredicted circumstances, we have trained sysadmins which keep an eye on all web servers constantly and they can respond straight away to resolve the problem in a very timely manner. Last in sequence, but not last in importance, our web servers have software and hardware firewalls to stop the excess traffic in the case of a DDoS attack.